About us

The LANGUAGE SUPPORT CENTRE is a physical address, a website, and a company. The company's other name is Language support ApS, and it owns English support ApS.

English support was established by Lawrence White on 1st January 2004. It is a native English language consultancy that supplies translation, proofreading and teaching services at all levels, including proofreading scientific papers prior to publication and teaching PhD students how to write scientific papers in English.

Language support was established in 2009 when both companies were registered as ApS companies. ApS roughly corresponds to Ltd. in the UK – a limited liability company not listed on the Stock Exchange. Language support ApS is 100% owned by Lawrence White, and English support ApS is 100% owned by Language support ApS.

Both companies are domiciled at the Language Support Centre, which has now moved to Nakskov in Denmark. But our international network of native-speaker translators and other language professionals stretches right around the globe...



puri , Orissa
Phone: +916752228562
Orissa IN